Fluoride, found in US tap water and most toothpaste, is a neurotoxin like lead, mercury and arsenic – according to a March publication by The Lancet – one of the world’s oldest and best known general medical journals, founded in 1823.
Harvard University agrees, as illustrated by a study last year, which shows how children in areas with highly fluoridated water had “significantly lower” IQ scores than those in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.
It also weakens your teeth. Which CAUSES cavity. It keeps the dentist in the money!
thank the goverment for that too, they instested it be in the water i think from the 70 on. so we dont need to see if goverment is smart they are dumbing themselfs down
Warrior0369 says:
“How is this possible? We have been using flouride in our water and toothpaste long before the author was ever born. If we are to believe the claptrap published here nobody would have been smart enough to write the article let alone read it…..I say BS…..”
From: http://www.truthandaction.org/lancet-water-toothpaste-making-stupid/comment-page-3/#comment-426834
Stephanie Hardt Rigard
Oh, for Pete’s sake! I don’t know the flouridation levels in Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, but my grandchildren, 12 and 7, are in advanced classes for their ages!
^ fluoride doesn’t make you unable to copy down things out of a book and write it where the teacher tells you, since that’s all it takes for good grades. It makes you unable to think critically and ask what is the teacher forgetting
there is no scientific proof of flouride having any benifits to your teeth, flouride was used by the nazi’s in the death camps to lower the self will features in the brain, this is fact
I’m a Dental Hygienist. There’s no way i woud tell my patients to stop using fl2. Just 100 yrs ago people were dying from tooth infections. The elderly need the fluoride. Oral hygiene goes down as you get older. The fluoride gives a little protection.
At what cost?
Demon crat’s