Perhaps man has always had a fascination with forces that cannot be seen. Do they exists or do they only exist in people’s imaginations? We’re not talking about orthodox religious beliefs here, but a fascination with dark forces and whether those forces can directed against one’s enemies. In other words, this is about witchcraft.
Regardless of where one stands on the issue of the occult, it’s clear that there are plenty of people who not only believe in it, but who believe they can harness its powers to accomplish their objectives. One case is the desire to use such forces against President Trump.
Following in the footsteps of Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from Presidency.
“At the stroke of midnight,” the famed singer Tweeted. “Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23… Ingredients can be found online.”
Observers noted these dates line-up with the ‘waning crescent moon ritual dates,’ dates that recently made headlines as members of the occult claimed they would perform ceremonies to rid the world of Donald Trump each time the event occurs.
So what is involved in such occult ceremonies?
The necessary ‘ingredients’ have previously been revealed to be “an unflattering photograph of Donald Trump,” a bowl of water, a Tower tarot card, and a “tiny stub of an orange candle.” According to those participating in the ritual, they will not cease until Trump is finally out of power.
Well, one thing can be known for sure. These practitioners of witchcraft will eventually be able to claim success, as President Trump will obviously leave the office in either four or eight years. If anything else were to happen, it’s up to you to decide what was the operative factor.
Source: Independent
Photo: Thomas Hawk
She’s Evil !
I just want to have Sex with this Lana Dell Rey