Well, it’s official. The left has finally run out of legitimate ways to attack Donald Trump. They’re desperate, and now they’re clearly on their last idea.
The Democrat strategy against Trump was pretty simple at the beginning. According to polls, Trump was unpopular, so they presented Hillary Clinton as an alternative. She wouldn’t focus on policy, nor would she try to make any controversial statements. Instead, she would campaign solely as an anti-Trump candidate.
After that failed, the left turned toward impeachment. This effort is being led by Rep. Maxine Waters. But considering her latest claim is that Trump should face criminal charges because she believes Vladimir Putin invented the term “crooked Hillary,” it’s clear they don’t actually have justification for a trial.
So now, it’s come to this, their final hope — witchcraft.
Yes, the LA Times is now running a piece on casting spells against Donald Trump.
Read the absurd article on the next page:
I have a voodoo doll watch out liberals! Ha! Ha!
I didn’t realize that the Rag Times was this low for the 24 years I worked there. Disgrace.
Trumps got unemployment lower in 28 years added more jobs stop welfare abuse…illegals are 70% down..we dont need punkass unions..every successful corp. Does great without them
Lol with what new policy lmfao
And a cast of Spells should be thrown at L. A. Tmes readers to WAKE THEM UP! Run everybody RUN, away from this newspaper???
If the economy stays strong, Trump and Repugs will take credit for it.
If the economy tanks, they will blame Obama.
And the stupid electorate will buy the propaganda again.
After all, these same people were convinced that Obama is a Muslim and the anti-Christ, Hillary is a crook and a traitor, that Hillary is the Establishment and is responsible for manufacturing job losses, Bill Clinton (not Trump) is a sexual predator and Trump is Jesus himself.
The propaganda machine of the Right is insidious and powerful and will only increase in its power to malign Dems, while the Repugs hollow out our economy, our education system and our democracy.
In the name of infrastructure rebuilding, Repubs will sell off our infrastructure to their corporate puppet-masters and future generations will bear the cost.
It is Herculean task to fix the ignorance, anger, resentment and racism of the GOP base. And many non-Republicans that deplorably fall into similar buckets.
Crazy people
I cast a spell on Hillary ! It worked
Obama is muslim…hillary is a crook and liar…bill is a rapist..clinton did nafta and trump is a business man…not a politician