“I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States, where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren,” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal stated at an annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
If this is true, how would such a hostile takeover actually take place?
The feds are monitoring all social media extremely closely and arresting those who speak out, for example see these prior posts: a militia member gets arrested 24 hours after making comments about the ‘police state’, a Marine gets arrested for talking about the ‘upcoming revolution’ on Facebook, DHS regularly arrests veterans who speak out against the government through Operation Vigilant Eagle.
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Obama will try before he gives up that office.He will destroy this nation before he gives it up.If he can.
i can only hope were ready.
i’m ready we so dearly need it
Yes we are ready like 6 years ago ready!!!
Another reason all Americans should own a gun.
Too upset to say but it looks more and more like it everyday.
We have to take back our country. Ovumit is using your money to remodel mosques in other countries. what the hell.
Thank you Governor. I’ve been thinking this for several years. You lead and we will follow!
Thank you Governor. I’ve been thinking this for several years. You lead and we will follow!