“I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States, where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren,” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal stated at an annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
If this is true, how would such a hostile takeover actually take place?
The feds are monitoring all social media extremely closely and arresting those who speak out, for example see these prior posts: a militia member gets arrested 24 hours after making comments about the ‘police state’, a Marine gets arrested for talking about the ‘upcoming revolution’ on Facebook, DHS regularly arrests veterans who speak out against the government through Operation Vigilant Eagle.
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A takeover by force would be self defeating, and destructive. It will have to be done through our governors, and Congress. In this way our government will stay intact, and the cons$#%&!@*ution can be again followed. If the government continues to attack gun owners, I believe that violence could follow. This could cause our government to lose control, the military to become involved, and we do not need this.
Another American revolution is coming but this time against our own government.
Allready happened, Liberals and Muslims Hate America,, and they allready run everything.
and when the rebellion happens he figures he’ll be safe from the revolt? that man’s seriously deluded.
Great job jindal ty
Those who are in it are the elite of the elite who will show FEMA army what to do.No military exercises under different conditions than they expect to encounter in the real conflict.
Jade Helm is a prelude to real martial law brought about government sponsored firearm tragedies drawing public outcry for gun control and disarmament which is very helpful in implementing control during martial law. Obama will have his third term and who knows…..
Those who are in it are the elite of the elite who will show FEMA army what to do.
No internet, maybe no cell signal, maybe m$#%&!@*ive FEMA presence door to door over whelming any occupants for their guns then it’s all over.
No military exercises under different conditions than they expect to encounter in the real conflict.
Jade Helm is a prelude to real martial law brought about government sponsored firearm tragedies drawing public outcry for gun control and disarmament which is very helpful in implementing control during martial law. Obama will have his third term and who knows…..
Those who are in it are the elite of the elite who will show FEMA army what to do.
No internet, maybe no cell signal, maybe m$#%&!@*ive FEMA presence door to door over whelming any occupants for their guns then it’s all over.
I hope so.
I think so
Yes, The American People want To Remove Obama From Office