“I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States, where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren,” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal stated at an annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
If this is true, how would such a hostile takeover actually take place?
The feds are monitoring all social media extremely closely and arresting those who speak out, for example see these prior posts: a militia member gets arrested 24 hours after making comments about the ‘police state’, a Marine gets arrested for talking about the ‘upcoming revolution’ on Facebook, DHS regularly arrests veterans who speak out against the government through Operation Vigilant Eagle.
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Yeah, Ronald Cossin, give terrorists jobs and sit down with them and have a beer!!
If it doesn’t happen soon there will no America to save.
If this occurs then all bets are off on an election because then there will be Martial Law and we know what that means. Sitting pres stays.
I am having a real hard time understanding why our military has not stepped up and put an end to all the laws this president has broken. I could of sworn that when I took my oath of enlistment I stated that “I would protect this country from all enemies both foreign and domestic” If Obummer is not a domestic enemy, then I am Bugs Bunny!
look theres no, peaceflu way obama wont;s to kill as many people as he can he has the muslims brotherhood, and muslims hes brough in
Bring it
Obama’s dog
I hope they can get an article five convention of the states together
if he would just step down.. Allow the U.S. time to heal.. Be a man and admit YOU ARE AND NEVER WERE PRESIDENT MATERIAL