“I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States, where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren,” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal stated at an annual conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
If this is true, how would such a hostile takeover actually take place?
The feds are monitoring all social media extremely closely and arresting those who speak out, for example see these prior posts: a militia member gets arrested 24 hours after making comments about the ‘police state’, a Marine gets arrested for talking about the ‘upcoming revolution’ on Facebook, DHS regularly arrests veterans who speak out against the government through Operation Vigilant Eagle.
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I hope it is in the works!! Somebody needs to step up and lead!!
Long overdue.
that’s what America needs right now, a good dose of hostile take over.
Power, Greed and Corruption has always been a BIG part of DC, Obama and his thugs are part of the network, it’s the same game, different players, but now on worldwide stage.
Congress playing both sides. Call them out to come clean otherwise they are going down. The Americans had enough, stop the money flow feeding the piranhas in Washington DC.
Our government has already been subverted
Burn the whitehouse to the ground with obama in it!
Just keep pissing the true Americans off and they are not going to know what hit them .most people are only going to take so much before they snap
What a mess that would be ! American starving in the streets.
The party system is broken, they represent causes not the American people and their interest. They play on emotion not logic, that is why we are so easily controlled, screw feeling use your heads. Think of your kids futures.
you bethca.