Users on Instagram and Twitter are issuing a warning that two gangs in Los Angeles are betting which can kill 100 people in 100 days under the hastag #100Days100Nights.
The bet follows the death of a member of the Rollin 100 gang named “KP”. The first victim appears to be a 4-year-old boy.
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No way, we have gun laws. We’re completely safe
How about civilians kill 200 gang members in retaliation
Erik acts offended when called an idiot then he retaliates by mocking those born with birth defects and such. I’d put my money that Erik voted twice for Obama and will vote for Hillary.
If you have problems with police, then you’re doing something against the law. Very few people are killed by police. And the ones that have killed that are very very few. Statistics show that very few police shootings that are not justified.
Sounds as if you’re pulling accusations out of thin air and the liberal left media and WH.
Erik is a wigga, he’s trying to gain acceptance to a gang.
Eric Zoll you must not have had much of an education fact is this if you encounter a police officer following these simple rules will keep you safe DONT BREAK THE LAW ..DONT FIGHT OR ARGUE OR RUN STAND STILL DONT ANGER THE COP DONT LIE TO THE COP KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE THE COP CAN SEE THEM BE RESPECTFUL AND NEVER I MEAN NEVER PULL A GUN ON THE COP HE WILL NOT BE KIND IF YOU DO ITS JUST THAT SIMPLE
Why don’t these clowns suit up and go hunting isis!!
If you kill someone we will kill you back just that simple
If you guys want facts, actual video proof of cops being douches like cop block, not all cops are bad but the number of bad ones are much greater than good….
They dont believe in a place called hell .. they dont have to.