Users on Instagram and Twitter are issuing a warning that two gangs in Los Angeles are betting which can kill 100 people in 100 days under the hastag #100Days100Nights.
The bet follows the death of a member of the Rollin 100 gang named “KP”. The first victim appears to be a 4-year-old boy.
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We are over policed…
The print is to small what are they pissed off about
Another fine looking bunch of obamanites!
Meanwhile, L.A. says law-abiding citizens can’t have standard capacity magazines.
Oh boys how would yous all like a vacation in Afghanistan ?? Ha..All payed…
I want to see them going at it with the real terro–rists. I’ll be rooting for the real one than these morons throwing gang signs like they’re crippled. Screw these guys
Make sure to excersise your second ammendment rights! legally pack your protection of choice!
you first!