Users on Instagram and Twitter are issuing a warning that two gangs in Los Angeles are betting which can kill 100 people in 100 days under the hastag #100Days100Nights.
The bet follows the death of a member of the Rollin 100 gang named “KP”. The first victim appears to be a 4-year-old boy.
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Kill them first
Its simple really, for every one they kill, you kill 500 of them,simple.
Odd how they don’t do that where it’s legal to actually carry a gun. I’d call that being a $#%&!@*!
Start with muslums and then mexicans!lol
Then the “Authorities” want to disarm the honest citizens so we can all become victims and the Gaangs will rule the cities. WTF logic is that? Oh, that’s right, gotta have some “legit” reason to bring in the troops under a permanent MARTIAL LAW!
Well if that’s the case then I hope it’s 100 of themselves.
If Obama had a son
Anyone a legal citizen?
America the home of the crazies
protect yourselves &family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11