Users on Instagram and Twitter are issuing a warning that two gangs in Los Angeles are betting which can kill 100 people in 100 days under the hastag #100Days100Nights.
The bet follows the death of a member of the Rollin 100 gang named “KP”. The first victim appears to be a 4-year-old boy.
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Spoken like a true Moron. I saw it on Twitter so it must be true.
If people would hunt them down and kill them when they fire off at civilians they would eradicate them selves, but that will never happen.
Don’t you do that now… we know that gang warefare has been going on for awile…
St. Louis is bad enough now L.A. too. Will it ever stop.
This from the group that gets to keep their guns.
So, when will these children EVER GROW UP????
Que dice Trmp??
Oh man its on facebook, twitter,instagram…and it has a hash tag…’s definitely true
arrest them and get them off of the streets they have made threat to our national security do something just dont sit there