There’s nothing liberals love better than empty gestures to make themselves feel good. The Los Angeles City Council has passed a resolution urging Congress to look into President Donald Trump’s business dealings and recent actions to determine if they warrant his impeachment.
Last Friday, the Council passed a unanimous resolution (10-0) calling on Congress to consider impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump for breaching the Foreign Emoluments Clause.
Under Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, the Foreign Emoluments Clause reads as follows:
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
Find out more about the enforcement of the Emoluments Clause and why the City Council believes it may apply to President Trump on the next page.
Boo hoo!
Mexifornia??? enough said….
He is going no where you dug your graves by fighting the government and bringing in all the illegals for votes
And you have fought him ever since so you get your state cleaned out and start working with laws and you might can save your state and bring some of the people back that are leaving you for a better place to live. How long do you think your state will last with all the swamp you got in it.
Do these Idiots know that impeachment does not remove the President from office?, remember Bill Clinton was impeached!, you can’t impeach someone because you don’t like them!, smart bunch if guys?
Like this carries a lot of weight… LMAO at these liberal wack jobs…
Fucking idiots
Drop it
more bs
10 little monkeys all in a row. As far as Northern California is concerned its part of Mexico. Lousy schools , lousy polititions, lousy legislators, lousy weather. High taxes expensive houses and pollution. Won’t even visit there.