Krauthammer: Trump should turn UN into Condos

The United Nations is no friend of the US, and much of what it does has nothing to do with promoting international peace and harmony. Witness it doing bizarre things like putting despotic nations such as Saudi Arabia on commissions that are supposed to promote human rights.  That makes no sense at all, and is just one more reason to treat the international body with derision.

A perfect example of the bias and perfidy that exists within this body is the recent passage of a Security Council resolution with the tacit support of the US. That the Obama administration was behind this, even though the US abstained in the vote, should be obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

Actually, the UN and Mr. Obama really do make a terrific combination. Obama loves to accomplish things using subterfuge, working behind the scenes to accomplish his purposes and opposed to being forthright and taking his stands in public. The UN is a great vehicle for that, and one can be sure that with the latest Security Council resolution condemning Israel, that the Obama administration members were working to draft the resolution.

Charles Krauthammer, on the other hand, has no problem calling things as they are. His character is so far removed from that of Barack Obama that just listening to him is a lesson in why Obama was and is unqualified to be President of the United States.

While delivering a blistering criticism of the resolution condemning Israel, and America’s abstention in the vote, he made a remark that shows that you can still have a bit of a sense of humor even while discussion such depressing topics as the United Nations and Barack Obama:  Have Donald Trump turn the UN building into condos.

If you wish to relish that comment personally, you’ll find it in the last minute of this interview, starting around the 7:35 minute mark.

Source: Fox News



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