Korean war veteran Robert Willits and his wife Judy are battling their homeowners association who insist that they remove the American and MIA flag flying in their yard.
The couple moved to the Fieldstone neighborhood in Greenfield, IN at the end of last year and installed the flagpole over the summer.
Now their HOA demands that they remove the flags or pay $500 fine for legal fees.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
Keep fighting for the RIGHT to Fly The American Flags!!!!
We should be able to fly then any place, any where, and any time!!!!
That is the Freedom, that all our Service Men and Women have fought and Died for!!!! God Bless America!!!!
stand your ground, am with you 100 percent
Hoa is a bunch of preppy jerks trying to shove their agenda down homeowners throats!!! DUMBASSES!!!
This vet is the one that made sure you could fly the flag and you have anti American COMMUNISTS trying each day to trample our rights into the ground. YOU GO SOLDIER I’M WITH YOU!!!! F them COMMUNISTS
HOA’s are pure communist. There’s no way I would ever live in a neighborhood w one
Learn common law and do what ever you want 1215. Org
think we should get the FBI, CIA to investigate your HOA for treason
God help the person that comes to my door telling me to take my Flag down