Korean war veteran Robert Willits and his wife Judy are battling their homeowners association who insist that they remove the American and MIA flag flying in their yard.
The couple moved to the Fieldstone neighborhood in Greenfield, IN at the end of last year and installed the flagpole over the summer.
Now their HOA demands that they remove the flags or pay $500 fine for legal fees.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
These associations need to be removed they are not true Americans
Fly It Proud and the others can leave America if they don’t like it
get em solder
The HOA is wrong. No one should have to take down their flag !!
Thank you to all the veterans who defend my freedom thank you for everything you sacrificed carry on
he stood for america and was with his fellow worriers long before most of these idiots were born , if it offends you..move…like to another country.
Let us know if you need backup. We got your back brother!
Keep them in your yard. It shows you care.
I really think we need to have names and pictures of those wanting to do away with our flag put up on Facebook so their friends, families and employers ca see who they are. Have any of them EVER served their country? Are any of them even citizens??