Korean war veteran Robert Willits and his wife Judy are battling their homeowners association who insist that they remove the American and MIA flag flying in their yard.
The couple moved to the Fieldstone neighborhood in Greenfield, IN at the end of last year and installed the flagpole over the summer.
Now their HOA demands that they remove the flags or pay $500 fine for legal fees.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
keep our flag up
Publish the NAMES and ADDRESSES of the HOA members so we can pay them a …..”visit.”
Ignore them did they buy your house or do they pay your bills or feed you . The pos all of them
Good for you and thank you
Fly them high and proud.
Sue those mf’s
Keep fighting as long as you can .
i cant imagine what they find wrong with your flags
keep the flag flying
It is truly horrible how badly they are disrespecting and mistreating this veteran; he should be appreciated and congratulated for his service instead of being abused by that HOA. I hope he wins and keeps his flag flying proudly……. MINE IS. U.S.Army Veteran SFC