Korean war veteran Robert Willits and his wife Judy are battling their homeowners association who insist that they remove the American and MIA flag flying in their yard.
The couple moved to the Fieldstone neighborhood in Greenfield, IN at the end of last year and installed the flagpole over the summer.
Now their HOA demands that they remove the flags or pay $500 fine for legal fees.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
HOA’s are filled with small people who want to control everyone else’s lives!
It has to be this Muslim thing going on, this is a Christian nation, if they don’t like it here, go to some country that thinks like you do
They can’t make you I would tell them to get fu#ked !
ps…i FORGOT TO PUT “YOU FOUGHT _FOR our country!) My husband was in Korean War also.
the whole “HOA” thing… yeah, gots to go.. everywhere, its getting out of hand.. seems like a few nit pickers are really controlling everything..
I had a run in with an HOA, and its a dictatorship and yes they need to be removed
it is sad how people have no patiotism left, I would sell and move out of there Keep the flag flying
Please post the name of the HOA I am starting to think this is a bunch of BS…start putting their names of the HOA so we VETERANS and REAL AMERICANS can start voicing our dislike for their communistic views and thoughts…
all of this has just started since obama got in office, he is trying to tear down everything about america that we have fought so hard to preserve.