College students across the nation have embarrassed themselves with their embrace of socialism and safe spaces, but one university in Florida appears to have outclassed them all. The University of Central Florida’s “Knights for Socialism” have found a new — and ridiculous — way to bring the fight to the GOP: They’ve started a “leftist fight club.”
The organization formed the event to protest discrimination and “crimes” against minorities, but all they’ve managed to do is embarrass themselves with lunacy hypocrisy.
The leftist fight club preaches inclusiveness, but there is one group of people that is expressly forbidden from joining the Knights for Socialism’s liberal area brawl.
Ultimately, it’s unlikely that the excluded group cares much. Based on the Knight’s ideology, it’s doubtful they’d want to spend much time with them anyway.
Read more about the leftist fight club and who they’re excluding on the next page:
The liberals are the only ones who want to fight.
Haha. Good luck with that
185 gr
I just got a hard on.
Hope they teach about muzzel flash!
This is hilarious. Yeah, all those Trump supporters that attacked them. (Sarcasm). Once all the smoke cleared of all the false accusations and self defense against a protestor skirmishs, were tallied at Trump rallies, the total times a Trump supporter was the aggressor was one. And that man made a public apology for “losing it” when he was being verbally taunted in his face by a protestor. The protestors are the only ones going around attacking people. Who do they think they are fooling? They are just learning how to attack while making it look like they were attacked first, so they can “get better press” than hitting innocent people over the head with a pole and leaving them unconscious in the street. It is Obama that is running this game now, and giving over 30,000 people training on how to take the streets in neighborhoods and communities across the U.S. These people are being paid $12-$20 per hour with transportation, meals, and lodging paid. He had already set up 250 offices in cities throughout the U.S. before he left the oval office. Remember, he’s a community organizer? And he has plants, electronic and human, all over the whitehouse and in every agency in the government. He intends to make it hard, to impossible, for U.S. Government to function by using his moles to sabotage Trump and any other republicans or agencies that are making progress towards undoing the things he “accomplished”. Oh, and he is also using his contacts with liberal judges he installed for them to fight the government. e.g., the 9th Judicial Court. He is also working the celebrities he made friends with and organizing them to do things in a way that will interfer with Trump and the effectiveness of the U.S. Government. Since he was in the oval office for 8 years he knows all the ways to use groups, and create community organizations, to continually undermine our government.
They are making a huge mistake.
Tim Worley, I agree with you 100%. But here’s the problem: Obama is organizing, and training, all these people (currently 30,000, 250 offices in cities throughout th U.S.) to agitate, spread propaganda, intimidate, hinder, destroy, hinder, and block, but to NOT threaten harm in any way. Unfortunately we can’t pull out our weapons and use them for any of the offenses listed above. Not without us being designated the aggressor and being arrested. Also, then, they will propagandize that they are the peaceful left doing nothing more than trying to make America better, and the person who drew the weapon is a violent, right wing Trump supporter, and a racist KKK member, etc., blah, blah, blah. Obama is a community organizer and he knows exactly how to walk that fine “untouchable” line. This is what we are dealing with. It’s nasty, slimy like the snake he is, and. I believe pure evil.
Fists to a gun fight lol