What was he talking about, you might be wondering. Well, it shouldn’t take many guesses to figure it out. He was talking about climate change and how the United States government plans on donating a ton of money to less fortunate countries who will be “affected the most” by climate change.
His inability to stop talking regardless of the constant buzzing in the background by the conference organizers goes along with earlier reports by psychologist Dr. Gina Loudon claiming that the president’s erratic behavior could be a sign of narcissism and poor mental health.
I Love This! Please Post as Much as Possible!
Maybe he doesn’t think anyone would
Maybe he doesn’t think that ANYONE WOULD EVER DO THAT TO HIM????
This man needs to be shunned by all rulers in the world, just causes trouble where ever he goes~! Worst president in my life time~!! He wears sheeps clothing to covers up Satan & evil~! He is possessed by the devil~!!
Arrogant and e il
Winona Wacker that’s not our way.He would get a fair trial under our laws.I do think those sealed records should be unsealed and made public.
Tommy Wright the liberals are revising history and writing it to suite their agenda.