Just like that annoying dinner guest that always goes on about a certain topic hours after the conversation has ended, at a recent conference in Paris, President Obama’s went eleven minutes over his allotted time limit.
If you watch the video on the next page, you’ll hear a frequent ding sound that resembles a doorbell or a gameshow buzzer. It doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with your computer or your speakers. What it means is that the conference organizers were hitting the buzzer in attempts to get President Obama to stop talking and shuffle off the stage.
Watch the video on the next page.
I Love This! Please Post as Much as Possible!
Maybe he doesn’t think anyone would
Maybe he doesn’t think that ANYONE WOULD EVER DO THAT TO HIM????
This man needs to be shunned by all rulers in the world, just causes trouble where ever he goes~! Worst president in my life time~!! He wears sheeps clothing to covers up Satan & evil~! He is possessed by the devil~!!
Arrogant and e il
Winona Wacker that’s not our way.He would get a fair trial under our laws.I do think those sealed records should be unsealed and made public.
Tommy Wright the liberals are revising history and writing it to suite their agenda.