Maybe an arrogant narcissist?
After all, the President expects his lapdog media to take it easy on him during his birthday, despite critical situations in Ukraine and Israel, not to mention the CIA’s admission of illegal spying on the US Senate, ISIS aggression and Ebola outbreaks.
“I thought that you guys were going to ask me how I was going to spend my birthday,” he said in exasperation as the conference broke into non-birthday questions. “What happened to the birthday thing?”
I can:t stand to look at your mug.
Impeach prosecut execute!
I wanna write “faggot” here, but I’m not gonna do it.
Muslim Brotherhood Leader Really SUCKS!
Uuuuu.. You grew up that’s what happened..
Lucky he does not get a soft ball in the face, with the lies he tells
We survived Bush. You will survive Obama.
this $#%&!@* is the biggest $#%&!@* president we’ve ever had lets arrest him and deport his retarded ass
He is an illegal idiot
And for those who say we will survive Nobamma, guess what We will but you may not! We are survivors!