Maybe an arrogant narcissist?
After all, the President expects his lapdog media to take it easy on him during his birthday, despite critical situations in Ukraine and Israel, not to mention the CIA’s admission of illegal spying on the US Senate, ISIS aggression and Ebola outbreaks.
“I thought that you guys were going to ask me how I was going to spend my birthday,” he said in exasperation as the conference broke into non-birthday questions. “What happened to the birthday thing?”
I, I, Uh, Me, me, Uh.. DUMDEMAZZ!
No one cares about your birthday.
How About a Hard ball to the head, literally…..
I’ve been told he is dumber than a sack of rocks, He wouldn’t know a softball answer if it hit him upside of the head!
Grow up coward
He’s Nothing But A PUPPET !!! :-//
That’s why he stammers and stutters to answer questions. :-//
When they are used to eating out of his hand it schocks him when he is nipped a little!
Queen Barry’s a spineless little girly man.
A sorry one thats who! !!