Maybe an arrogant narcissist?
After all, the President expects his lapdog media to take it easy on him during his birthday, despite critical situations in Ukraine and Israel, not to mention the CIA’s admission of illegal spying on the US Senate, ISIS aggression and Ebola outbreaks.
“I thought that you guys were going to ask me how I was going to spend my birthday,” he said in exasperation as the conference broke into non-birthday questions. “What happened to the birthday thing?”
their job as journalists is to ask non “softball” questions
Who is this guy? Where’s the president??
he has no answers,only excuses,either its Bush’s fault,or its congress’s fault,he never accepts responsibility for anything..just plays the race card
Its time we make him accountable for his lies and the laws he has broken sign my petition to impeach the scum liar Obama
Damn, hes getting smarter and realizing the truth, and his kids are so proud of their parents
President? You mean we have a president. Praise be! C**p you had me going there. We might of had a president that cared.
An incompetent, ineffective, & traitorous POTUS!
Timothy, you’re going to make me go off on you in ways you don’t want somebody to go off on you.