The recent headlines regarding North Korea’s nuclear program and missile launches are alarming, to everyone but naive liberal kids.
It is terrifying how uninformed kids are these days. North Korea is pretty good at making the headlines. It’s not like this topic isn’t being reported.
But, leave it to liberal snowflakes to get so engrossed in protesting they forgot about what is actually going on in the real world. Liberal academia doesn’t actually have the time or the motivation to teach concrete scientific principles such as what will 100% happen when a nuclear bomb explodes. Which is ironic considering liberals are the ones so concerned about climate change and protecting the environment.
Hint-hint little protest kids, nuclear bombs are not good for the environment.
As always, Jimmy Kimmel took this opportunity to make people laugh . . . or cry depending on where you stand on America’s future leaders.
See the video on the next page.
And this brings the question up again.
Do they realize a nuclear war would end all life
A fringing liberal idiot
Not old enough to read an ingredients label on food and make an informed opinion on its nutrition, let alone a decision on world affairs based on her what 20 yrs…..all under democrat control
When the Democrat party became the party of Marxism, they becsme the largest threat to national security.
This is so sad for the future of our country. If I were their parents, I’d go hide my head in shame for raising such ignorant sheep.
And they think they know what is good for the country! I rest my case!!!!
NUTS pure and simple
Ya right!