What little, if any, credibility John Kerry retained quickly evaporated at a news discussion when the Secretary of State claimed that the dollar would cease as the world’s reserve currency if the Iran nuclear deal was not ratified. Yes, we noted the complete disconnect here, also.
At a New York City event, a Thompson Reuters moderated discussion regarding President Obama’s negotiated nuclear deal with Iran, Secretary of State John Kerry actually proclaimed that if Congress rejects the agreement, the U.S. dollar will lose its current status as the world’s reserve currency. Read more about this idle threat on the next page.
How are we so tied to Iran thatour Economy will suffer if they don’t prosper?!?
It is the mentality of a warped WH.
This idiots Jewish ancestors must be turning in their graves.
Hahaha Print more !!!
Wish he would just go back to where ever it is he came from.
He picked the surname “Kerry” to sound Irish in Boston. That is not his real family last name. He also volunteered for swift boats in Vietnam to be like JFK but he left as soon as he could after a few months and faked a purple heart. He also wrote himself up for an award after gunning down an unarmed and probably innocent Vietnamese peasant that his boat was p$#%&!@*ing by. When he got out of the Navy he slandered his colleagues and joined anti American protest groups. So we trust him with the Iran deal?
He talks with forked tongue….enough said.
Our congress, senate and administration is responsible for the dollars decline. Threaten all you want, it will happen because you have ruined our economy.
It is going to be a rough go for the American Dollar anyway because of the government’s bogus plan to prop up the stock market with unsecured currency. Getting America back into the production of its own goods and services will be the only thing to stop the slide. Stop taxing working Americans to the point of crushing initiative. Stop propping up those who have found a niche doing absolutely nothing.