No one could be faulted for concluding that the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis has no end. The issues over boundaries and the status of Jerusalem are so profound that they appear insoluble. Decades of violence have only hardened the positions, with terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah eager to inflame passions and sponsor violence against Israel.
Each US administration has waded into the conflict only to leave things at the end of its tenure rather much like they were at the beginning. Supposed “historic” agreements such as those negotiated under the Carter and Clinton administrations have born no fruit at all.
With his administration having only three weeks left, Mr. Obama has chosen to close out his time in the White House by giving Israel a good hard kick, thereby betraying what we knew all along: Mr. Obama’s sympathies are with the Palestinians and the Islamic terrorists who support them. More on page two.
Wha huh?!
Horse faced swiftboat Vietnam era traitor pseudo stuffed shirt ignoramus. Jew hating bastard .snd I can go on and on about this moron who has the iq of a potAtoe
ALL I can say is fool !
kerry do you like making an idiot our of yourself like bumbo you democrats our acting like your still all in jr. high with all the$#%&!@*your doing and you will pay for all of stabbing in the back to the U.S. because your so full of yourselfs what you did to israel is shameful and God will have revenge for you and you wont even know it but at least this is 2 politicians that just ended there careers and will never be voted again for anything except dog catcher but then you and bumbo made enough off us americians something you and bumbo our not
You could be a good man but are a stupid Muslim traitor.
He can be a traitor or an American. Can’t be both.
Being Jewish is not a political position. It is a “faith”. A Democracy recognizes the rights of all people to live in harmony with each other and the God of their choice and to live under the rule of law that guarantees freedom from persecution because of one’s beliefs. Islam does none of these things and “thuggery” is not a religion nor a Democracy. You on the other hand are not fit to speak on behalf of either side. Rather, you are an opportunist “dumb$#%&!@* trying to act like a “smart$#%&!@*. Guess what? You fail at both!
Moron, that ‘s like saying that first amendment in the US does not guarantee freedom of religion! It is appalling that a man who is a traitor since the Vietnam era , who has lied in congressional commitee about f**e atrocities allegedly committed by our solders can rise to this position. This tells you what sewer the Democrat party has sunk to.