No one could be faulted for concluding that the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis has no end. The issues over boundaries and the status of Jerusalem are so profound that they appear insoluble. Decades of violence have only hardened the positions, with terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah eager to inflame passions and sponsor violence against Israel.
Each US administration has waded into the conflict only to leave things at the end of its tenure rather much like they were at the beginning. Supposed “historic” agreements such as those negotiated under the Carter and Clinton administrations have born no fruit at all.
With his administration having only three weeks left, Mr. Obama has chosen to close out his time in the White House by giving Israel a good hard kick, thereby betraying what we knew all along: Mr. Obama’s sympathies are with the Palestinians and the Islamic terrorists who support them. More on page two.
Hey Kerry F off and die
I see some beasts slaves by jews are mad lol
What a dumb$#%&!@*..Israel IS both…
He can’t retire he has messed himself up
HE is SO stupid!!!!
Traitor and idiot!
Israel has third choice…a Republic with one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Israel became a nation in 5-14-1948 with a constitution, congress, land, an elected leader, and national sovereignty. Palestine has no land, no constitution, no leader, no congress, no nothing, yet how can the UN recognize them. Anyone remember the PLO-Palestine Liberation Army with Yassar Arafat? It’s like the American Indians would claim to be a voting member of UN. Palestine has no rights. Israel owns the land and Palestine lost the War of 1967 to Israel. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has given this land to Israel.