Imagine you’re on a ship…let’s call it the…I dunno…Titanic. That says “strength,” right?
So, you’re on the Titanic and suddenly, it strikes a…um…let’s say a…an iceberg, okay?
The Titanic you’re sailing on hits an iceberg and begins to sink. You suddenly hear over the loudspeaker, “Attention, passengers. This is your captain. We have hit an iceberg and we are taking on water at an incredible rate and will most likely sink within the next two hours. If all the passengers and crew would kindly make their way down below, into the hull near the bulkheads and begin bailing, it would be greatly appreciated. If all goes well, we will most likely be able to resume our voyage across the vast, freezing Atlantic in a short while. Thank you!”
Now, do those words (in any universe) sound feasible? What I mean to say is, if the real Titanic was to have had all the members of its crew and passengers, right down to the captain himself, go down below to bail, might the ship have been saved?
Of course, the answer is, “Not a chance.” Knowing the enormity of the problem (massive sinking ship in the middle of the Atlantic), no sane person would ever suggest the very stupid and irrelevant action of bailing out the ship.
Why then is the Kentucky state government suggesting that its taxpayers (passengers and crew) bail out the sinking Titanic (underfunded and overfed teachers pensions)?
Read on the next page how the state is asking its taxpayers to pick up a $3.2K per year, per household tab in order to shore up a lucrative teachers union Ponzi scheme that has nearly bankrupted the state!NEXT PAGE »
Take a good portion of their salary each month until you get that amount
Up their$#%&!@*,schools are just indoctrination centers.
Hell no
Sounds like the school administration and state officials need to take an huge pay cut to help out the situation they helped cause.
suck it up unions!
No public employee pensions SHOULD BE A THING OF THE PAST.
Idiot state and teachers to demand this. Go get a second job. When a lot of families can barely get by how can you even think of doing this..
Let the union fund it
Parents keep asking questions like why is there one damn levy after another, where are all those tax dollars going? And when they do to school boards these upetty assholes won’t answer or just have you escorted out by police. Now they know what they’ve been doing and it isn’t going to schools at All! I think it’s time that they get escorted out by the police, all of their assets taken and they go to jail!
This notion you can work 20years and be on the pension dole for 50 years is moronic and a fantasy, liberal, union fantasy….