Kim Davis, the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, has been released from jail. She was held without bail this last weekend, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons she could not comply with the request.
The story went nationwide, with different politically sided pundits weighing in, along with Presidential candidates Huckabee and Cruz who lambasted the court and sided with Davis.
Is the gay agenda’s end game to outlaw Christianity? See video next page:
Is that what makes it OK to tell others how to feel, think and act?
They are not “freaks of nature” Bryan Marty. Doesn’t the bible say not to judge people? What are you doing?
So you believe in evolution, that would mean $#%&!@*sexuality is a mutation that kills off a species.
Mutations are random. They don’t necessarily always benefit or kill off a species.
Don Johnson why don’t you prove to us he doesn’t exist. Be thorough now. We’ll need facts.
Don Johnson Don Johnson I have presented as much evidence as you have. You make a claim that you can not substantiate any more than mine. You have not proven that my do$#%&!@*ented claim is false. Prove to me that the Bible is not what it claims to be. What makes you believe that you will find out anything when you die? Your belief in an unproven afterlife? If so, how would that be if there were no God? Your words are empty spew. What a waste of life you are becoming. I pity you. Bob Schwartz You espouse that you do not believe in God then state that the matter is between God and us. There must be some logic there somewhere.
Jesse christianity is based off fear of death and lack of understanding on the world around them by the bronze age MEN that wrote it.
J Joel…you do realize that $#%&!@*sexuality has been do$#%&!@*ented in over 1,000 of species including humans. It does not necessarily lead to extinction. You should read more books.
Lunsford what claim is it that I have made? If you do$#%&!@*ented claim were true faith would be unnecessary. Before you make the mistake of thinking I EVER claimed that A god does not exist I will do you the courtesy of pointing out that I never once suggested that. If it YOU who believe that a god exists that has the burden of proof. My position is that you have no produced any empirical evidence to substantiate your claim.
It is true that A god might possibly exist. I cannot disprove that. However, there currently is no evidence to suggest that is the case. And even if you demonstrate that A god exists (you would be the first person to do so and would be awarded the Noble Prize) you then would have an even more difficult task of attempting to prove that the personal god that you have chosen was the one and only god.
What is it that YOU claim the bible is? Since the bible is so open to interpretation I will not $#%&!@*ume what you think. However if you claim that the bible is a factually accurate representation of history I will be interested to see how you defend that position.
My belief in an unproven afterlife? I don’t have any reason to belief that an afterlife exists. If you are referring to the fact that I suggested I would find out all religions were wrong I was referring to the fact that there was more than likely no afterlife.
Jason I appreciate your attempt to engage, but that is not really how logic works. I am not the one making the claim. As I said to Lunsford if YOU believe that a god exists then it is YOU that is making a claim that you should be able to provide evidence for. Please be thorough….
We did have freedom of religion in this country before O’Dumbo…