Kim Davis, the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, has been released from jail. She was held without bail this last weekend, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons she could not comply with the request.
The story went nationwide, with different politically sided pundits weighing in, along with Presidential candidates Huckabee and Cruz who lambasted the court and sided with Davis.
Is the gay agenda’s end game to outlaw Christianity? See video next page:
You being alive Don. You know our existence is supernatural and from God the creator. We are complex and awesome. Only our God can do this. Stop denying it.
“I was in favor of Kim Davis being jailed last week in Ky because I believed the media when they said she was violating the law by refusing to issue a marriage license to same sex couples. But, I heard a comment from Mike Huckabee that made me wonder if it was true. So I did a little reading. Remember in Civics cl$#%&!@* where we learned that Congress makes the laws and the Supreme Court interprets them? Ok, in 1996, President Clinton signed the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) into Federal law stating that marriag was between a man and a woman. There was no Federal Law concerning marriage prior to that, so DOMA became THE Federal statute pertaining to marriage. The Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that PART of DOMA was uncons$#%&!@*utional and some states voted to allow same sex marriage. However, they were in conflict with the remaining articles of DOMA. The way Federal Laws work is that state law can be MORE restrictive but it cannot be less restrictive than Federal law. So, some states, who voted to recognize same sex marriage were in conflict with Federal Law. Which is the reason the Supreme Court heard the issue again this year. We all know their decision. But, what we apparently forgot is that since they can’t make law, their decision to declare DOMA uncons$#%&!@*utional resulted in there being NO federal law concerning marriage. Which means, jurisdiction falls to the state. And what that means boys and girls is that Kim Davis IS NOT in violation of ANY law by refusing to issue marriage licenses after the SCOTUS ruling. In fact, if she had issued a license to a same sex couple, she would have been in violation of the state laws of Kentucky, which had voted no on the issue.
Congress failed to be prepared to handle the situation resulting from SCOTUS striking down DOMA by writing a new Federal Law so we are left with the issue being handled at a state level. In the states that voted no on this issue, same sex marriage is not Federally protected.
Like it or not, agree with it or not, that’s the way the law works in this country.”
Someone posted that earlier, not sure on the accuracy of it.
i don’t think she should have got paid for her time in jail or off from work,she is no better than anyone eles in that .and i don’t think she should have the right to keep her job either,this is all so stuip to if u can’t do your job then leave
Kevin N Melanie… being alive only proves that I am alive. Yes we are complex and awesome, that is still not proof of A creator, much less one of the specific monotheistic creators.
There was a time that people thought Earthquakes were so complex and awesome that they HAD to be from god….just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you should just make something up to make yourself feel better.
Again..I asked for actual evidence….continue….
Kevin N Melanie was that a cute way of threatening me with the fires of hell? Why would that scare me (if that was your intent)?
Well, yeah….
Next thing to come is legalization of pedophilia….. Moral decay the downfall of America was started in the 60s when God was removed from schools. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when Christ returns. God loves all sinners enough to suffer be beaten and die for them however he will not condone sin $#%&!@*sexuality is a sin just like liars and fornication it separates us from him. EVERY knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. Willingly or not it will take place doesn’t matter how much you don’t believe. Israel became a Nation almost 1900 years after being destroyed and GOD brought them back together as a Nation just like it was prophesied. He is coming are you ready men will be without excuse for the heavens declare the glory of GOD.
Don. We can give you all the evidence there is to give. But if you refuse to believe any of it then there’s no point in showing any more. It’s really not hard to find evidence when you start looking for it.
Wow the stupid is powerful here… Don and Dylan you went full retard, fellas
Get thee behind me Satan! You are the minority in your absurdities