Kim Davis, the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, has been released from jail. She was held without bail this last weekend, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons she could not comply with the request.
The story went nationwide, with different politically sided pundits weighing in, along with Presidential candidates Huckabee and Cruz who lambasted the court and sided with Davis.
Is the gay agenda’s end game to outlaw Christianity? See video next page:
Kathy….your god killed lots and lots of babies in the bible. And gays aren’t forcing their views on christians they are simply fighting against DISCRIMINATION. Same as YOU yourself might have been doing 100 years ago when YOU wouldn’t have been allowed to vote. The bible was used to oppose women’s suffrage.
The Oregon Baker refused to bake a cake based on the couples sexuality…..that is discrimination. You cannot refuse service based on race, sex, sexuality, or disability. The bakery knew this and did so anyway. They then made matters worse by posting the couples home address, and phone number publicly which led to har$#%&!@*ment and death threats from comp$#%&!@*ionate christians.
Difference is in all this “I KNOW the Lord Jesus, personally “. Don’t wait too long to find Him for yourself. God bless ♡
Tammie ALL religions pray. And all religions think their prayers are answered. You know what else…all believers claim to know their god personally. So all other religions are delusional, but YOU are right? That is very humble of you.
Why is it that in a court of law you “swear to go to tell the truth”…however if you say “jesus told me to do it” you are locked up for being insane.
The truth you don’t KNOW for a fact that your jesus exists…you simply have faith because you want it to be true.
If jesus exists and he loves me…then why did he give me a mind capable of skepticism? Why does he hide evidence of his existence from me? If he is omnipotent then he knows EXACTLY what it would take to convince me….yet he is silent. If he exists the ball is in his court. In the meantime I live a more moral and just life that the majority of christians , and when I do good things I do them because they are good. I don’t do things to be rewarded with heaven or to avoid punishment of hell. So thanks for the offer, but until further evidence is revealed I will p$#%&!@*.
Shup up Don Johnson
God created everyone so its his way or the highway
Which god? Any evidence that this god created everyone?
Even the christians who agree on the same god can’t agree on what “his way” is….
Robert is a mature adult with great comebacks