Kim Davis, the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, has been released from jail. She was held without bail this last weekend, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons she could not comply with the request.
The story went nationwide, with different politically sided pundits weighing in, along with Presidential candidates Huckabee and Cruz who lambasted the court and sided with Davis.
Is the gay agenda’s end game to outlaw Christianity? See video next page:
Don Johnson : So your argument is that the Bible is truth in saying not to disobey a judge, but false when it says $#%&!@*sexualality is a sin? Better check out your “knowledge” of the Bible.
Gays have no interest in equality. They are filled with hatred and want to seriously harm anyone who thinks marriage is between a man and a woman. They want everyone to bow down to their evil and immoral life style that goes against God. Even if they have to destroy and eventaully kill everyone who diagrees with them they will do so. Without God’s love and graces they are left with only evil choices in their lifes.
She is a she he.
If any one can find it in the bible that same sex marriage is ok let me know we’re it is.
Being gay is wrong because? Two people loving each other hurts you how exactly, Marshall?
And Lunsford I never suggested the bible was correct about anything. We live in a FREE country with a secular cons$#%&!@*ution. It is irrelevant (for matters of gov) what the bible does or does not say.
The ironic part here is that your book actually says $#%&!@*sexuality itself is the sin so shouldn’t you be out trying to get “the gays” locked up? It also says that worshiping false gods is a sin…so shouldn’t Kim Davis have refused to issue marriage licenses to anyone of a different faith. This hypocrisy is staggering….
If anyone can find where the cons$#%&!@*ution makes mention of the bible dictating the laws of the land let me know WHERE it is…
. What Kim did in Kentucky is just the tip of what is to come. There are many more Clerks of Courts in the South that are refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. There are also a number of judges who refuse to marry gay couples.
Then there is the question of the legality under our cons$#%&!@*ution of the US Supreme Court’s decision regarding gay marriage. Law making is restricted to the US Congress.
Some say that what the US Supreme Court did was the same as what they did in the 1950’s regarding desegregation. Some also compare Kim to Governors such as Fabus who blocked desegregation of schools and other facilities in defiance of the US Supreme Court. Neither is correct. Back then the US Supreme Court’s opinion was to support the desegregation law that was p$#%&!@*ed by the US Congress. There is no gay marriage law p$#%&!@*ed by Congress; they made that one up.
You can expect more litigation on gay marriage; new cases will be added to the dozens already winding their way through our courtsHow would the Supreme Court respond if some of these new cases are appealed up to the Supreme Court and they have to decide whether to follow the Cons$#%&!@*ution or the false fabricated law they made up on these cases?.
All gay marriages are pretend marriages. God sees gay marriage as fornication and immorality. $#%&!@* behavior is no different than someone who needs to deal with alcoholism, kleptomania, drug addiction, etc. They need to repent and turn to Christ for help rather than continuing to live in a state of mortal sin.
The gay agenda is sick.
Just get government out of marriage and be done with it