Kim Davis, the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, has been released from jail. She was held without bail this last weekend, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons she could not comply with the request.
The story went nationwide, with different politically sided pundits weighing in, along with Presidential candidates Huckabee and Cruz who lambasted the court and sided with Davis.
Is the gay agenda’s end game to outlaw Christianity? See video next page:
You go lady. You did the right thing. I want to punish those who put you in jail. You stayed strong. I have to love you.
She is a life long Democrat.
She broke no law and was upholding the law of the State of Kentucky. Next idiotic line of creative thinking ?
Wrong idiot! She was held in contempt of court. Next idiot.
She was in jail moron.
Your hero! Lmfaooooo
The gay agenda is definitely not about tolerance!
amazing how this is more criminal then what bobo is doing.people wake up and take back what belongs to you.the cons$#%&!@*ution/your beliefs and stop falling victim to cowardness p/c.
Tk. You are talking to an idiot. Waisting you time.
The gay agenda is equality…