The state of Kentucky is not backing off their decision to fire volunteer pastor counselors from its youth activities programs who call homosexuality ‘sinful’.
Spokeswoman for the Department of Juvenile Justice, Stacy Floden stated that the agency “seeks to protect the rights of all youth in its care and custody regardless of sexual orientation or committing offense.”
“To this end, the department prohibits its staff and volunteers from discriminating against youth based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Floden stated.
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backwoods rejects that wanna in breed
Ash if Lot was an old man that was blackout drunk, how did he manage to get and maintain an erection while impregnating his daughters….both on the first try so obviously they were ovulating. It’s almost as if the people writing the bible didn’t know anything about science at all.
And if Lot willfully offered his virgin daughters to be gang raped by an angry mob……why was he considered the only righteous man worth saving to begin with? The women and the children had nothing to do with any of it…..why did they all have to die? Oh right…women don’t matter….underlying theme of all religions.
Read the article?
Timothy, you have said that well. Amen
The state DOES have the authority if the pastors are volunteering for a state program. We have enough trouble without people being too lazy to read an articles…..
You know what the Cons$#%&!@*ution also supports? Freedom FROM religion, please understand this Timothy, I’ll make it really simple so that it’s easy for even someone as base and ignorant as you to comprehend: YOUR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ENDS WHERE IT ENCROACHES ON ANYONE AND EVERYONE ELSE’S. Think about that next time you talk down from your imaginary high white horse. You’re no better than anyone else, gay or straight. Deal with it.
You need to read the Cons$#%&!@*ution. You might learn
Clearly I have a better understanding than you.
Timothy basically what you are saying is that the well do$#%&!@*ented evidence theory of evolution doesn’t make sense to you….so it must not be true. But a supernatural en$#%&!@*y (that would literally have to be the most complicated thing that ever existed and had no creator) that uses the bible as proof of existence is believable. Interesting….
religion has no place in law period….christianity and islam are both evil and are ruining our can be sheep if you want but ill never bow to a book thats been rewritten to bend to a king that wanted his way and to any “belief” solely design to control the m$#%&!@*es.i personally dont care what gay people has no bearing on my life or my family and if someone is gay that i care about ill fight for their right to love who and how they want.these responses just show how much christianity and islam are laden with bigotry and ignorance.