The state of Kentucky is not backing off their decision to fire volunteer pastor counselors from its youth activities programs who call homosexuality ‘sinful’.
Spokeswoman for the Department of Juvenile Justice, Stacy Floden stated that the agency “seeks to protect the rights of all youth in its care and custody regardless of sexual orientation or committing offense.”
“To this end, the department prohibits its staff and volunteers from discriminating against youth based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Floden stated.
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These what ever just came out of the wood work .
Kentucky people are not that stupied
It is still sin and sin it will always be.
Are they going to say they can’t call all the other sins sinful…murder, lying, stealing, rape, adultery etc.? Good pastors will obey God rather than man!!!
Free speech
Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. How can a law contradict the cons$#%&!@*ution?
It’s sinful ask god. Read your bible if u even have one. Mans laws change daily. Gods law stays the same. Period. Let’s banned The state of ky.
That government interference with religon it wont be borne
They do not have the right to do this.
Christians don’t give over to satens stupid athiest ways