The state of Kentucky is not backing off their decision to fire volunteer pastor counselors from its youth activities programs who call homosexuality ‘sinful’.
Spokeswoman for the Department of Juvenile Justice, Stacy Floden stated that the agency “seeks to protect the rights of all youth in its care and custody regardless of sexual orientation or committing offense.”
“To this end, the department prohibits its staff and volunteers from discriminating against youth based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Floden stated.
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Well just let these people do what they want but at some time they will have to explain to the person,that already has the answer, why they violated his law and that is when they will see and feel the true light!
we dont need these lies started about ky
This is not true !! I live in Kentucky
What are they going to preach then ? The enemy is the ones who tell lies to the people !
We can’t blame all pastors for knowing that Sin is Sin , its the Creator that gives to all to know the difference between right and wrong and a choice to decide that Sin is Sin so we can only Pray that God gives all the strength to overcome this Sin before it’s to late!
first amendment applies here but obozo is always breaking th cons$#%&!@*ution
Well it is, and if you don’t like hearing it don’t go to that church!
sad if true
They can’t, it’s in the Bible, you idiot’s.