The state of Kentucky is not backing off their decision to fire volunteer pastor counselors from its youth activities programs who call homosexuality ‘sinful’.
Spokeswoman for the Department of Juvenile Justice, Stacy Floden stated that the agency “seeks to protect the rights of all youth in its care and custody regardless of sexual orientation or committing offense.”
“To this end, the department prohibits its staff and volunteers from discriminating against youth based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Floden stated.
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simpson county is where I used to live wow
Kentucky is in the wrong. $#%&!@*sexuality goes against creation & is sinful. I would say they know it is sinful, yet they want others to think it is not sin. If you have to force something it is wrong. Love does not force.
Guess you can’t call a politician a lier anymore either!
wow, then why have pastors when they are not allowed to teach their faith? Bet nothing would be said if by a Cleric! Double standards anyone?
$#%&!@*s at it again should act like they don’t exist and they will go away win they know know one cares it won’t take long
I guess that religious persecution the pilgrims where running from finally caught up
OK … Lets use the word ..ABOMINATION! THAT is what GOD says it is! Good enough for GOF then its good enough for me to say about $#%&!@*sexuality!
So now the state is trying to tell the church what their doctrine can and cannot be.
what about the 100+ books banned from modern christianity that were definitely part of the original faith? god didn’t ban those. the bible is the word of the ego