The state of Kentucky is not backing off their decision to fire volunteer pastor counselors from its youth activities programs who call homosexuality ‘sinful’.
Spokeswoman for the Department of Juvenile Justice, Stacy Floden stated that the agency “seeks to protect the rights of all youth in its care and custody regardless of sexual orientation or committing offense.”
“To this end, the department prohibits its staff and volunteers from discriminating against youth based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” Floden stated.
Move To Following Page:
Will never happen here, period
Shame on you Kentuckey !
Haven’t they heard of freedom of speech?
Not true
I am all for gay rights. However, I’m also for freedom of speech. I just think that this Facebook page loves to get people riled up by posting garbage.
Homosexual Versus Wisdom
Okay for a moment, let’s leave the religious views of homosexual out of the equation.
And let’s compare it against wisdom.
Can two men sleeping together produce a child? Wisdom says no.
Can two women sleep together produce a child? Again wisdom says no.
Definition of sex. Sex (sµks) n. 1.a. The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions. b. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification. Wisdom :You need to have one male and one female in order for this definition to be satisfied. So if two males or two females are trying to have a sexual act this is called perversion not sex in other words there mines are perverted. Definition of per•vert•ed (p…r-vûr“t¹d) adj. 1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct. Wisdom: Now does it become a medical, mental or a religious problem? You make the call.
$#%&!@*sexual Versus Wisdom
Okay for a moment, let’s leave the religious views of $#%&!@*sexual out of the equation.
And let’s compare it against wisdom.
Can two men sleeping together produce a child? Wisdom says no.
Can two women sleep together produce a child? Again wisdom says no.
Definition of sex. Sex (sµks) n. 1.a. The property or quality by which organisms are cl$#%&!@*ified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions. b. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this cl$#%&!@*ification. Wisdom :You need to have one male and one female in order for this definition to be satisfied. So if two males or two females are trying to have a sexual act this is called perversion not sex in other words there mines are perverted. Definition of per•vert•ed (p…r-vûr“t¹d) adj. 1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct. Wisdom: Now does it become a medical, mental or a religious problem? You make the call.$#%&!@*sexuals-do/#fn-230-29
Like that’s gonna work.
Where is freedom of speech