Kellogg’s Closes Distribution Centers, Lays Off Employees After Dropping Breitbart Ads

Last year, Kellogg’s trumpeted that it would no longer carry ads on Breitbart, describing the values the conservative news site adheres to as different from its own. Although the cereal company likely imagined that its attempt at virtue signaling to the vehemently anti-Trump elements that scour the Internet, its efforts backfired as Kellogg’s has now announced that it is closing a staggering 39 distribution centers and preparing to lay off as many as 1,100 workers. Guess trying to pander to leftists wasn’t as profitable as they thought:

“Kellogg’s stock saw a decline and its brand perception online took a deep negative nosedive last year following the cereal maker’s politically-driven attack on Breitbart News and its 45 million monthly readers. The company complied with demands from obscure left-wing advocacy groups, who pushed a social media campaign to coerce companies away from advertising on Breitbart.

Charles said Breitbart News and its tens of millions of readers “aren’t aligned with” the cereal maker’s “values as a company.”

Breitbart News launched its #DumpKelloggs petition, which has been signed by more than 430,000 people.”


Source: Breitbart



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