Oh Lord have mercy! Kanye West continues to self promote for a 2020 Presidential run. Delusional? Maybe, but there are so many delusional fans who would support his delusional efforts that one fears the worst! In a Vanity Fair interview, he praises Ben Carson for being brilliant, but self praises by claiming to be like his PhD mother.
Read more on page 2 on how Kanye will “become my mother’s child.”
I thought this PIG was leaving the USA?
I thought he was leaving the country. Now he wants to try and run it?
This is a joke
Punk couldn’t run a hot dog stand
was just thinking the same thing…why is he still here?????
He would be very bad for this country he is a racist!
I thought he was leaving the country.
Oh God whaqt have the leftis come too now, insanity!