Oh Lord have mercy! Kanye West continues to self promote for a 2020 Presidential run. Delusional? Maybe, but there are so many delusional fans who would support his delusional efforts that one fears the worst! In a Vanity Fair interview, he praises Ben Carson for being brilliant, but self praises by claiming to be like his PhD mother.
Read more on page 2 on how Kanye will “become my mother’s child.”
His name says it all. WTF is a Kanye? Wow I think that guy just Kanyed in his pants?
Question: can you run for President from prison 🙂
I can see it now! A 100%$#%&!@*in the WHITE HOUSE!!!!
Problem………he might be taking himself seriously!
If it wasn’t so ridiculous, it could be gut busting funny. To think, another white hater in the White House—to make America that much more racist. Yeah, that’s what we need.
Another obama. No thanks.
No .
Not a chance in hell.
Maybe somebody will shoot him before then. I know “wishful thinking”.