Oh Lord have mercy! Kanye West continues to self promote for a 2020 Presidential run. Delusional? Maybe, but there are so many delusional fans who would support his delusional efforts that one fears the worst! In a Vanity Fair interview, he praises Ben Carson for being brilliant, but self praises by claiming to be like his PhD mother.
Read more on page 2 on how Kanye will “become my mother’s child.”
bobby waid Ithought he was leveing the contry so sad
Same idiot that said he was leaving the USA
In your dreams
it wouldn’t surprise me if he did, I think that would be one of the biggest breaks the GOP has gotten so far.
he promised he was leaving the U S , guess he lies to
Straight Outta Compton and into the new Compton White House
He might win. He was listed as one of the dumbest celebrities alive, right along side of his wife.
Your suppose to move to family to France…..Did you forget….D S……….Joanne
Haha never. Your good at singing that’s it…
He will have mercy. God knows he is worth the bottom of my shoe.