The American people are tired of the lies and manipulations that the mainstream media have been force-feeding them for years, but the elites continue trying to shove them down their throats.
If the leftist sympathizers and apologists who make up the nation’s press corps really wanted to do their jobs and keep their countrymen informed, they would start by acknowledging the rejection of the status quo by a majority of voters before interrogating their role in perpetuating said status quo. Instead, they have opted to double down on their elitism, berating Joe Schmoe for not buying their bunk before proceeding to shovel more of it their way.
As a result, the media has become very sensitive about challenges to its legitimacy, with many within it descending into truly unhinged paranoia about what they imagine Donald Trump will do to them.
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Jackie Mulligan yes what? Yes you believe what the leftwing liberal media puts out? If so please do a little research and see for yourself what’s happening. Go visit Germany or France they have lost their country their identity and culture.
Whack job.
Apparently she is suffering from some sort of mental disorder
that’s what I was referring to !
These are some really ignorant people.
Your an idiot. The American people will take care of leftist lying journalists like you by tuning them out.
The only ones talking about killing anyone is the leftists. That’s their modus operandi.
They are thinking of the Clintons or Obamas
They are confusing President Trump with Killary..bahahahahahah