Move over Hillary Clinton, you’re not radical enough for the foaming-at-the-mouth Leftists who currently have the Democratic Party in their grip. Not even Hillary advocated for outright gun confiscation. Biden has voiced support for stronger gun-control measures than Hillary – including a ban on any gun that doesn’t have ‘smart’ features. But the NWO shill has never called for an end of our Second Amendment. He once told Anderson Cooper that there is “no legal way” to take guns away from U.S. citizens.
Enter Kamala Harris. Just as Barack Obama stripped Jimmy Carter of the “Worst President Ever” award, Harris is gunning for Clinton’s “Most Despised” award. And if the mentally-incapacitated Biden does win the White House, Harris will certainly snatch Obama’s award away from him as well.
As far as more official titles go, Harris scored as the “most liberal” U.S. senator in 2019, according to a GovTrack analysis, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. That’s quite a feat!
Move to page 2 to see Harris’ remarks on destroying the Second Amendment.
I would like to suggest the implementation of a mandatory federal “GFY” program for all the leftie lunatics out there.
I will gladly sell any gun to the US Government they care to purchase. The price? $1,000,000 each.
She is a left wing nutjob.
Sure. tens of millions of guns, millions of folks ready to protect and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights and she thinks a ‘gun buy-back’ will work. We are not sheep like the EU, Britain and Australia. Molon Labe
Warm and fuzzy “idea” that has little logic.. Taught at a probation center for 3 years.. I asked the inmates what they thought of gun buy backs? Great> You can steal a gun, take it to the police and they pay you for it, no questions asked.. Top three use of the money? 1.) Buy drugs, 2.) buy booze. 3.) buy a bigger/better gun.. Three things I did not hear they did with money. A.) pay on college loans, B.) pay child support, 3.) down payment on a house.. And Kamala wants to buy guns from felons and run our Country??
Just for the hell of it “,”la Whose money are you going to use for this “Mandatory Gun Buyback”?, yours?, I think not. So WE bought the guns, under your reign we will have to give you our money so you can buy back our guns?, Is that it?. Which one of us is stupid here?. You are really going to run on that platform are ya?. Please don’t show that you are as wacco as your party’s leader, It’s not a good look.
She’s a bigger fool than what she already appears to be. I just bought a .380 and fixin’ to buy another….does this bitch understand that there isn’t enough $$$ for the government to buy back all the weapons in the U.S.? 80 million sold in 3 months alone. Ammunition being bought by the crate.
Commie harris is part of the soros regime to strip all rights us Americans enjoy. You name, it will be gone. As far as her buy back program is concerned, it won’t be just an assault rifle she’ll be after, but all guns, big and small.
MANDATORY? Buy back? Up hers. We have a right to defend our homes & families!!
You can shove it up your ass evil bitch