Justice Sotomayor Writes Racially-charged Dissent, Reads like a “Brown/Black Lives Matter Manifesto”

Justice Sotomayor Writes Racially-charged Dissent, Reads like a “Brown/Black Lives Matter Manifesto”

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is an excellent example of why affirmative action is a disaster. Judge Judy is imminently more qualified to be on the bench than Sotomayor, but the Democrats and Obama felt she had two overwhelmingly important qualities to be a Supreme Court justice.

First, she had two “X” chromosomes, which doesn’t really say anything at all about your ability to reason and rule, but it fit the sexual profile demanded by the left. Second, she is a Latina, and the left has been pandering to illegal aliens since Obama took office. In fact, the whole illegal alien, ignore immigration law thing that Obama has dumped on this country could very well have been planned long in advance, knowing that Sotomayor would be a slam dunk to let millions of illegal Latinos stay in the country, and then become Democrat voters in short order after that.

Sotomayor is no intellectual heavyweight. In fact, what she is is a hammer. And to a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So all of her decisions seem to involve seeing discrimination or abuse against women and minorities. It must be tiresome knowing she won’t actually have to invest any intellectual go-power into a case, instead she just looks for the reason to be offended by discrimination and mistreatment of women and minorities, and BAM, she has her legal opinion. Always, of course, reliably leaning far to the left.

New Sotomayor opinion makes the Lefties cheer, page 2:

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Justice Sotomayor Writes Racially-charged Dissent, Reads like a “Brown/Black Lives Matter Manifesto”