In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
It would be ok if it were Mosque
Give to Cesar what is Caesar’s. Give to God what is God’s. I truly despise king muslim obama and his kind but, Tax exemptions are unjust.
If we must, marry them without mentioning God. Give them just a ceremony for the state. Marriage is a covenant between man, woman, and God.
Remember, they are only supposed to be allowed “marriage”. Who said the ceremony has to include the same wording? It’s not about recognizing a union in the eyes of God, just the eyes of the state. Other thoughts to consider, check this out…
I will not go to a church, that will preform same sex marriage, cause it is no longer a Church for Jesus.
Looks like it’s time they got a wake up call, time to watch some idiots fall ….
No special treatment dor RELIGIONS period
Roberts should be tried for treason and we need time limits