In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
The anti-Christ people are taking over our country. God help us ALL.
Congress must impeach barry sotoero aka Barack Obama with sealed records or American citizens stop funding period.
We have Freedom of religion and separation of church and state u up hold them when it serves ur purpose of the states.u took oath to up hold.the laws of the USA DID U NOT????
Don’t Christians have rights just as Gays?
“Justice ” Roberts should be impeached, recused, fired or whatever they can do to remove a judge from office. He and the rest of the crazies in the black robes have sent this country into a downward spiral, and it started EVEN BEFORE “roe” v “wade”….and they CAN’T EVEN BE PERSON ENOUGH TO USE THE REAL NAMES OF THESE INDIVIDUALS. …THIS GARBAGE STARTED IN l947 with the “supreme” “court” “deciding” that religion wasn’t allowed in schools by COMBINING THE FIRST and the l4th amendments….READ THE BOOK “ORIGINAL INTENT”…IT TELLS THE FACTS OF WHAT THE SUPREME COURT WAS SUPPOSED TO DO, AND THE PURPOSE OF THE SUPREME COURT, AND HOW IT HAS GONE SO FAR ASTRAY OF IT’S DUTIES AND IT’S “ORIGINAL INTENT”…..
get the money from the mosques since they don’t pay for Obozo care or home loan interest
I want to be exempted
What happened to separation of church and state.
churches should close there doors or refuse to do the ceremony because they are not members of their congrigation…… more then one way to skin a cat.