In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
God will prevail;America too!!
Gay marriage was just legalized. Does that sound like the conservatives are controlling anything?
Justice Robert should be disbarred no one is above the laws of God Almighty
Roberts is a traitor and should be jailed!
no no no
CHAS He Ever Served In US Forces?
So what, true christian parishioners will gladly help pay taxes on their church..
You f-ing liberals keep on.If you want another civil war,you are heading in the Wright direction! !
This discrimination, our Religious Freedom is under attack!!!!!!!
Justice roberts or anyone else that starts messin with the churches need to be tared and feathered and set afloat one hunderd miles from shore. As for TRAITOR obama same thing. Only shoot a hole in his boat.