In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
I believe if the goverment trys to stop freedom of religion ( just one of the reasons for founding this country)…well, I just do not think most folks would agree.
i think Obama is as muslim as you or me. But let not digress. I am a guest on a very conservative page so i wont name call or bash anyone who believe differently than i do. but really, the american public would be better serve focusing on a domestic agenda that includes national infrastructure and education. Who people sleep with, as long as they consenting adults, or which god they pray to should be of no consequences to others. But that the US has an education system where pupils score last as compared to other developed world, or has crumbling infrastructure, that should be of concern to all.
Justice Roberts you reached way beyond your Powers !!!!!!!!!!
This should be apply to Muslims too !!! Not just Christians !! You’ve all ready gone against God’s people enough! You were suppose to be put in your position to stand up for our Biblical foundation and morals of the 10 commandments. That is what our Country is all about, we are God’s people, and you are letting the Evil one takeover American, the land of the free, the home of the brave !!
This is a blatant attack of mans free wills!!!
If these “gays” are so bent on forcing their ideas on anti-gay religions than let them try to get a mosques to have their “weddings”.
Judge Roberts, What gives you the authority to dictate that Gays have ultimate rights over others in that Gays cannot be discriminated against, even if it goes against the beliefs of Christians and others? They should have NO more rights than any other group. Stores, restaurants, etc. have a legal to refuse to serve customers without giving specific reasons, but if a church refuses to marry a gay couple, you want to take legal action and remove their tax exempt status. That is a form of discrimination.
That`s a load of c**p!!! Freedom is Freedom!!