In his dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage on Friday, Justice Roberts warned that churches could lose their tax-exempt status if they refused to marry a gay couple.
Roberts cited a comment by the United States’ top lawyer on same-sex marriage made months ago on this case the SCOTUS just ruled on.
Thanks for bringing this up
Remember, We have a Muslim as our President. The Muslims in America will not have to comply with this new law just Christians, WAIT and SEE !!!
Firstl. You must be a member of the Church and a Chuch has the right to require any pre Cana cl$#%&!@*es they chose. 2nd. If you don’t agree with the teaching of that Church, why would you be a hypocrite and force someone to marry you. It’s simple bullying.
This is another fool who thinks his personal opinion over rules the Cons$#%&!@*ution. Which means he doesn’t follow it and should be thrown out of the country. Til we come together as a country and not politicans,wanna be dictators,and different race of people. This country will be destroyed beyond repair. Religious freedom is the very first amendment. So by all logic was the most important. Followed by the right to be able to defend that right. It’s time to use the 2nd one to take back our country.
Evedently you don’t belong to a church Brandon.We have people that accout for money collected by the church and the pay outs to bills and staff.This money is $#%&!@*hing to God our 10%.Also why are you worried about church money when your president and his wife are commiting crimes and robbing you blind and that doesn’t bother you.I think you need to wake up and get a life instead of trolling everyone else.Try smiling when you get up in the morning and praise God for giving you life.Bless you.
If they lose their exempt status then so should colleges
Separation of church and state. And the first amendment says leave the church alone .
Monique you think you are protected Obama is playing you and everyone else to acheive his agenda wich is a Muslim communist state.Show me where Islam allows gays in their religion without killing them.Anyone that doesn’t convert to Islam is infadel subject to death.Wake up!